1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 3. Invocation to be given by Falk Alicke 4. Roll Call of Members 5. Approval Agenda
Consent Agenda A. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting 06-06-2016 06-06-2016 Council Minutes (Draft).pdf 315682 bytes B. Claims Regular Payroll 06-10-16.pdf 78212 bytes Claims 06-21-2016.pdf 107793 bytes Pre Paid Claim 06-07-2016.pdf 7116 bytes Pre Paid Claims 06-10-2016.pdf 21972 bytes Pre Paid Claims 06-17-2016.pdf 18480 bytes C. Resolution 23-16 WYDOT Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grant Application for North Park Pathway Extension TAP Funding Resolution 23-16.pdf 7026335 bytes D. Proclamation Miss Wyoming Pageant Week 06-20-25-2016 Miss America Pageant Proclamation.pdf 679433 bytes E. Various Use Alcohol/Street Use Permits a. North Main Association-Cinder Destafano-VUP-856 Broadway Pow Wow Event-Street Closure-7-15-16 North Main Association-Cinder Destafano -Street Closure, 856 Broadway Pow Wow Event-07-15-2016.pdf 2243812 bytes b. Frontier Liquor (The Pony)-Tye Bach-VUP-3 S. Gould St.-Rodeo Concerts and Post Parade Party-24 Liquor Catering Permit-7-14-16 & 7-15-16 Frontier Liquor (The Pony)-Tye Bach -S. Gould St Rodeo Concerts -Post Parade Party-24 Liquor Catering Permit-7-15-2016.pdf 1967617 bytes c. Rainbow Bar, Beaver Creek Saloon, The Mint Bar,-Brad Townsend-Main St. & Grinnell Plaza-WYO Rodeo Street Dance-24 Liq Catering Permit-7-15-17-16 Rainbow Beaver Creek Mint Bar-Brad Townsend-Main St. & Grinnell Plaza-WYO Rodeo Street Dance-24 Liq Catering 7-15-17-16.pdf 5715569 bytes *PROCLAMATION TO BE READ BY Mikaela Shaw, Miss Wyoming 2015
OLD BUSINESS Ordinance 2168 2015 Building Code Adoption (Third Reading)
9. Public Hearing Resolution 24-16 Amending FY 16 Budget Resolution 24-16 FY16-17 Budget Revision 4.pdf 10. Approval Resolution 24-16 Amending FY 16 Budget
11. Public Hearing Resolution 25-16 Adopting FY 17/18 Budget and FY 17 Mill Levy 12. Approval Resolution 25-16 Adopting FY 17/18 Budget and FY 17 Mill Levy
13. Public Hearing Application for New Satellite Winery Liquor License #02, Weston Wineries LLC dba Weston Wineries, 122 N Main St 14. Approval Application for New Satellite Winery Liquor License #02, Weston Wineries LLC dba Weston Wineries
Comment from the Council and the Public
1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 3. Invocation to be given by Falk Alicke 4. Roll Call of Members 5. Approval Agenda
Consent Agenda A. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting 06-06-2016 06-06-2016 Council Minutes (Draft).pdf 315682 bytes B. Claims Regular Payroll 06-10-16.pdf 78212 bytes Claims 06-21-2016.pdf 107793 bytes Pre Paid Claim 06-07-2016.pdf 7116 bytes Pre Paid Claims 06-10-2016.pdf 21972 bytes Pre Paid Claims 06-17-2016.pdf 18480 bytes C. Resolution 23-16 WYDOT Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grant Application for North Park Pathway Extension TAP Funding Resolution 23-16.pdf 7026335 bytes D. Proclamation Miss Wyoming Pageant Week 06-20-25-2016 Miss America Pageant Proclamation.pdf 679433 bytes E. Various Use Alcohol/Street Use Permits a. North Main Association-Cinder Destafano-VUP-856 Broadway Pow Wow Event-Street Closure-7-15-16 North Main Association-Cinder Destafano -Street Closure, 856 Broadway Pow Wow Event-07-15-2016.pdf 2243812 bytes b. Frontier Liquor (The Pony)-Tye Bach-VUP-3 S. Gould St.-Rodeo Concerts and Post Parade Party-24 Liquor Catering Permit-7-14-16 & 7-15-16 Frontier Liquor (The Pony)-Tye Bach -S. Gould St Rodeo Concerts -Post Parade Party-24 Liquor Catering Permit-7-15-2016.pdf 1967617 bytes c. Rainbow Bar, Beaver Creek Saloon, The Mint Bar,-Brad Townsend-Main St. & Grinnell Plaza-WYO Rodeo Street Dance-24 Liq Catering Permit-7-15-17-16 Rainbow Beaver Creek Mint Bar-Brad Townsend-Main St. & Grinnell Plaza-WYO Rodeo Street Dance-24 Liq Catering 7-15-17-16.pdf 5715569 bytes *PROCLAMATION TO BE READ BY Mikaela Shaw, Miss Wyoming 2015
OLD BUSINESS Ordinance 2168 2015 Building Code Adoption (Third Reading)
9. Public Hearing Resolution 24-16 Amending FY 16 Budget Resolution 24-16 FY16-17 Budget Revision 4.pdf 10. Approval Resolution 24-16 Amending FY 16 Budget
11. Public Hearing Resolution 25-16 Adopting FY 17/18 Budget and FY 17 Mill Levy 12. Approval Resolution 25-16 Adopting FY 17/18 Budget and FY 17 Mill Levy
13. Public Hearing Application for New Satellite Winery Liquor License #02, Weston Wineries LLC dba Weston Wineries, 122 N Main St 14. Approval Application for New Satellite Winery Liquor License #02, Weston Wineries LLC dba Weston Wineries
Comment from the Council and the Public