1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 3. Invocation to be given by Gary Kopsa, VOA 4. Roll Call of Members 5. Approval Agenda
A. Minutes of Special Council Meeting 04/14/2016 B. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting 06/20/2016 C. Claims D. Resolution 27-16 DWSRF Application for North Sheridan Interchange E. Holloway Concurrence Approval F. MOU Wyoming Bus Council/City of Sheridan/DSA Certified and Affiliate Main Street Program G. Authorization for Mayor to approve utility easement in Washington Park H. Appointment of Zane Garstad to Sheridan Travel and Tourism I. Various Use Off Premises Alcohol/Street Closure permits: a. Rainbow Bar Inc-Brad Townsend -Catering for Koltiska - Sheridan County Fair Grounds- under grandstand- WYO Rodeo -7-13-16-2016 b. Blacktooth Brewing Company-Jesse Woods-VUP-312 Broadway St.-Boot Kick off After Party-St Closure(beer in street) c. WYO Rodeo Parade - Street Closure - 7-15-2016
Remove From Table- Ordinance 2168 2015 Building Code Adoption (Third Reading-Tabled at Council Meeting 06-20-2016)
Approval Ordinance 2168 2015 Building Code Adoption (Third Reading - Motion and Second at Council Meeting 06-20-2016)
Ordinance 2169 Contractor License Updates (First Reading)
12. Public Hearing consideration Resolution 26-16 PL-16-18: Partial E 1st St. ROW vacation; a request to vacate a 10 foot by 139.73 foot strip of E 1st St ROW adjacent to Lot 12, Block 44, Sheridan Land Company’s Addition located at 503 N Sheridan Ave. 13. Approval Resolution 26-16 PL-16-18: Partial E 1st St. ROW vacation
Comment from the Council and the Public
15. Approval to go into Executive Session to discuss issues per Wyoming Statute 16-4-405 (vii) To consider the selection of a site or the purchase of real estate when the publicity regarding the consideration would cause a likelihood of an increase in price; 16. Approval to Reconvene in Regular Open Session (If Action Will Be Taken After the Executive Session):
1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 3. Invocation to be given by Gary Kopsa, VOA 4. Roll Call of Members 5. Approval Agenda
A. Minutes of Special Council Meeting 04/14/2016 B. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting 06/20/2016 C. Claims D. Resolution 27-16 DWSRF Application for North Sheridan Interchange E. Holloway Concurrence Approval F. MOU Wyoming Bus Council/City of Sheridan/DSA Certified and Affiliate Main Street Program G. Authorization for Mayor to approve utility easement in Washington Park H. Appointment of Zane Garstad to Sheridan Travel and Tourism I. Various Use Off Premises Alcohol/Street Closure permits: a. Rainbow Bar Inc-Brad Townsend -Catering for Koltiska - Sheridan County Fair Grounds- under grandstand- WYO Rodeo -7-13-16-2016 b. Blacktooth Brewing Company-Jesse Woods-VUP-312 Broadway St.-Boot Kick off After Party-St Closure(beer in street) c. WYO Rodeo Parade - Street Closure - 7-15-2016
Remove From Table- Ordinance 2168 2015 Building Code Adoption (Third Reading-Tabled at Council Meeting 06-20-2016)
Approval Ordinance 2168 2015 Building Code Adoption (Third Reading - Motion and Second at Council Meeting 06-20-2016)
Ordinance 2169 Contractor License Updates (First Reading)
12. Public Hearing consideration Resolution 26-16 PL-16-18: Partial E 1st St. ROW vacation; a request to vacate a 10 foot by 139.73 foot strip of E 1st St ROW adjacent to Lot 12, Block 44, Sheridan Land Company’s Addition located at 503 N Sheridan Ave. 13. Approval Resolution 26-16 PL-16-18: Partial E 1st St. ROW vacation
Comment from the Council and the Public
15. Approval to go into Executive Session to discuss issues per Wyoming Statute 16-4-405 (vii) To consider the selection of a site or the purchase of real estate when the publicity regarding the consideration would cause a likelihood of an increase in price; 16. Approval to Reconvene in Regular Open Session (If Action Will Be Taken After the Executive Session):