1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 3. Invocation to be given by Tony Forman 4. Roll Call of Members 5. Approval Agenda
Consent Agenda A. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting 07/05/2016 B. Claims C. Award of Bid Tandem Axle 12 Yard Dump Truck D. Various Use Permits/ Of Premise Alcohol /Street Closure a. Rails LLC-Art Ericson 856 Broadway(Sheridan Inn) -Band and Street Dance-24 Hr Liq. Catering Permit-7-25-16 b. Sheridan Inn-Bob Townsend-VUP-856 Broadway (Sheridan Inn)-Outdoor Concert-Street Closure-7-25-16
Staff Update - FASD Jim Harm - Monthly Revenue Report
OLD BUSINESS Ordinance 2169 Contractor License Update (Second Reading )
NEW BUSINESS New Growth Alliance MOU
Comment from the Council and the Public
Approval to go into Executive Session to discuss issues per Wyoming Statute 16-4-405 (vii) To consider the selection of a site or the purchase of real estate when the publicity regarding the consideration would cause a likelihood of an increase in price;
1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 3. Invocation to be given by Tony Forman 4. Roll Call of Members 5. Approval Agenda
Consent Agenda A. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting 07/05/2016 B. Claims C. Award of Bid Tandem Axle 12 Yard Dump Truck D. Various Use Permits/ Of Premise Alcohol /Street Closure a. Rails LLC-Art Ericson 856 Broadway(Sheridan Inn) -Band and Street Dance-24 Hr Liq. Catering Permit-7-25-16 b. Sheridan Inn-Bob Townsend-VUP-856 Broadway (Sheridan Inn)-Outdoor Concert-Street Closure-7-25-16
Staff Update - FASD Jim Harm - Monthly Revenue Report
OLD BUSINESS Ordinance 2169 Contractor License Update (Second Reading )
NEW BUSINESS New Growth Alliance MOU
Comment from the Council and the Public
Approval to go into Executive Session to discuss issues per Wyoming Statute 16-4-405 (vii) To consider the selection of a site or the purchase of real estate when the publicity regarding the consideration would cause a likelihood of an increase in price;