1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 3. Invocation to be given by Scott Lee, Bethesda Worship Center 4. Roll Call of Members 5. Approval Agenda - *Public Hearing - Transfer Retail Liquor License Rails LLC (The Owners of Rails LLC have asked that this hearing and approval be postponed to the October 3, 2016 Council meeting) Motion: Second: Voice Vote:
Consent Agenda A. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting 07-18-2016 B. Claims C. Reappointment of Jesus Rios to SEEDA Board D. Revised New Growth Alliance MOU E. Various Use Permits/ Off Premise Alcohol/Street Closure a. Black Tooth Brewery-Jesse Woods -312 Broadway-Absaroka Car Show-Street Closure(beer in street)- 08-16-2016 b. Black Tooth Brewery-Jesse Woods-312 Broadway-MS Bike Ride Registration-street closure(beer in street)-08-12-2016 c. Greenland Hospitalities-Ken Kilpatrick -2125 N. Main St.-Rock Concert Veterans Benefit-24 Liq Catering-08-6-2016 d. Best of The West BBQ Fest-Tye Bach 475 E Brundage St.-BBQ Cook Off Public Sampling-24 Hr Malt Permit 08-13-2016
Proclamation - Wyoming Senior Olympics Week August 1-6- 2016 *WYOMING SENIOR OLYMPICS WEEK PROCLAMATION TO BE READ BY ROGER WILSON
OLD BUSINESS 8. Ordinance 2169 Contractor License Update (Third Reading ) Clerk to Read Title: Motion: Second: Roll Call Vote: NEW BUSINESS 9. There being none -
Comment from the Council and the Public
1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 3. Invocation to be given by Scott Lee, Bethesda Worship Center 4. Roll Call of Members 5. Approval Agenda - *Public Hearing - Transfer Retail Liquor License Rails LLC (The Owners of Rails LLC have asked that this hearing and approval be postponed to the October 3, 2016 Council meeting) Motion: Second: Voice Vote:
Consent Agenda A. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting 07-18-2016 B. Claims C. Reappointment of Jesus Rios to SEEDA Board D. Revised New Growth Alliance MOU E. Various Use Permits/ Off Premise Alcohol/Street Closure a. Black Tooth Brewery-Jesse Woods -312 Broadway-Absaroka Car Show-Street Closure(beer in street)- 08-16-2016 b. Black Tooth Brewery-Jesse Woods-312 Broadway-MS Bike Ride Registration-street closure(beer in street)-08-12-2016 c. Greenland Hospitalities-Ken Kilpatrick -2125 N. Main St.-Rock Concert Veterans Benefit-24 Liq Catering-08-6-2016 d. Best of The West BBQ Fest-Tye Bach 475 E Brundage St.-BBQ Cook Off Public Sampling-24 Hr Malt Permit 08-13-2016
Proclamation - Wyoming Senior Olympics Week August 1-6- 2016 *WYOMING SENIOR OLYMPICS WEEK PROCLAMATION TO BE READ BY ROGER WILSON
OLD BUSINESS 8. Ordinance 2169 Contractor License Update (Third Reading ) Clerk to Read Title: Motion: Second: Roll Call Vote: NEW BUSINESS 9. There being none -
Comment from the Council and the Public