Video index
1. Call to Order
4. Consideration of Resolution 09-24 Waiving Building Permit and Landfill Fees for 1050 N Sheridan Ave - Public Works Director Hanns Mercer
5. Consideration of Resolution 08-24 Declaring a City Council Vacancy and Method of Filling the Position - City Administrator Stuart McRae
6. Executive Session per Wyoming State Statute 16-4-405, (ii) To consider the appointment, employment, right to practice or dismissal of a public officer, professional person or employee, or to hear complaints or charges brought against an employee, professional person or officer, unless the employee, professional person or officer requests a public hearing. The governing body may exclude from any public or private hearing during the examination of a witness, any or all other witnesses in the matter being investigated. Following the hearing or executive session, the governing body may deliberate on its decision in executive sessions.
Feb 26, 2024 Special City Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order
4. Consideration of Resolution 09-24 Waiving Building Permit and Landfill Fees for 1050 N Sheridan Ave - Public Works Director Hanns Mercer
5. Consideration of Resolution 08-24 Declaring a City Council Vacancy and Method of Filling the Position - City Administrator Stuart McRae
6. Executive Session per Wyoming State Statute 16-4-405, (ii) To consider the appointment, employment, right to practice or dismissal of a public officer, professional person or employee, or to hear complaints or charges brought against an employee, professional person or officer, unless the employee, professional person or officer requests a public hearing. The governing body may exclude from any public or private hearing during the examination of a witness, any or all other witnesses in the matter being investigated. Following the hearing or executive session, the governing body may deliberate on its decision in executive sessions.
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